Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kids say the funniest things...

The only thing we have to fear is… BEARS
What goes up… MUST COME DOWN
A bird in the hand… IS A MOUSE
Many hands make… A HEART
Only the strong... CAN FIGHT
Lightening never strikes… ITS ONLY THUNDER THAT BOOMS
Pitter-patter of… MOUSE FEET
Beggars can’t be… COOL
I’m so hungry I could… EAT A PIG
Like a bat out of… WOOD
There’s a sucker born… IN MY MOUTH
Give me liberty or… ELSE I WILL SUE YOU
You say potayto, I say… POTAUTO
Money is the root of… PLANTS
Beauty is… A BEAST
He’s treading on… A CORNDOG
Practice makes… PERFECT
Haste makes… BROWNIES
A chip off the old… ROAD
A penny saved is… GOOD LUCK
When the cat’s away… THE DOGS STAY
You can lead a horse to water but… THE HORSE MIGHT POOP ON YOU
My love is like… HEAVEN
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask… FOR SOME PEANUTS
A watched pot… IS FULL OF GOLD
Four score and seven years ago,… IT ALL HAPPENED
Too many cooks… CAN MESS UP YOUR FOOD
If at first you don’t succeed… YOU TRY AGAIN
There’s no place like… HOME
A chain is only as strong as… A HORSE
Don’t cry over… SANTA
A fool and his money are… FOOLS GOLD
Two heads are better than… ONE
A journey of a thousand miles… TAKES A LONG TIME
Look before you… THINK
Always a bridesmaid never… A CLOWN
Actions speak louder than… WORDS
It’s like taking candy from… THE BANK (IT HAS SUCKERS)
You can’t teach an old dog… TO SIT DOWN WITHOUT BREAKING HIS BACK
If you can’t stand the heat… GO TO THE SNOW
When it rains it… 'S MUDDY
If you love something… MARRY IT
Half a loaf is better than… A FULL LOAF
Happy as a… CORNDOG
The grass is always greener… WHERE WE ARE
Tie goes to the...LOOSER
Make hay… FOR HORSES
Money doesn’t grow on… TOMATOES
Nip it in the… BUTT
Laugh and the world… SPINS
A picture is worth… 1 CENT
April showers bring… MY BIRTHDAY (FROM TAYLOR)
Where there’s a will there’s… A WAY
Better late than… NEVER
You can’t judge a book… BY ITS COVER


Chad said...

You shut out your kids on TV with comments like these.

Janet said...

I love that. Too cute. which kids were giving you the answers? Oh by the way your hair is super cute. I loved how it looked when you came and picked up Devin and Taylor. Happy Anniversary too. 9 years seem so LONG! :)

Cammie said...


I am so glad that we are finally able to meet up in cyberspace! Do you really have an 11 and 8 year old? I don't believe it's possible!! Where does the time go? I hope we can meet up next time we are down in Price. We think about you guys every time we are down there, but we just need to get together.

Send me your email address, I have a funny post that I posted a while ago I would like to email you. Hint: there's a picture of me and you on it!!


Nicole said...

janet... i just had all the kids in here while i asked the questions and whoever responded first got it typed in... they were trying so hard to think of stuff first it was hillarious!!!

Candace said...

That was so cute! I could almost pick out who said what:) How was your weekend get away (since you got sooo far away!) It is always nice to just not have kids. Happy Anniversary I don't know if I ever told you or not. Love ya sis!

Me said...

I love the horse poop comment, I laughed so hard. I'm just glad you finally got a new post up! When are YOU going to come help me paint?